Men - istry

Female is not the OPPOSITE of male Female is not the REFLECTION of male Female is the COMPLIMENT of male Female COMPLETES male

God does not CO-EXIST as an opposite to himself
God is FULLY God
God is NOT half holy and half unholy
God is NOT half good and half bad
God is NOT half righteous and half unrighteous
God is FULLY God

Genesis 5:1-2
‘These are the generations of Adam in the days that God created man; in the likeness of God, male and female created he them and blessed them and called both of their name Adam’

God is FULLY God
God does not CO-EXIST as an opposite to himself
Therefore FEMALE can not be the OPPOSITE of MALE
Because MALE and FEMALE have God as their source

But female can only CONFIRM male – To CONFIRM is to VERIFY and SUPPORT And male can AFFIRM male – To AFFIRM is to DICTATE and DEFINE

It doesn’t matter how much a mother loves her son she can never invite him to manhood
The male needs AFFIRMATION to complete his identity

There is a difference between Manhood Maleness and being a Man
And without the AFFIRMATION process there is FAILURE